
Lemon - Sugar Sealent

 After 20-30min of henna application! 


✓ Half cut lemon or lemon juice✓ 1 spoon white sugar✓ 1 cotton ball 


Into a bowl add half squeezed lemon juice, 1 spoon of sugar and Mix it. 


Take a cotton ball and soak half of it into the mix and gently dab it over henna before henna paste starts to flake off. Make sure henna is semi-dry at this time, otherwise you may smudge the design. 

Helpful Tips

✓ Keep it over night or at least 4 - 6hrs. ✓ Keep your hands warm ( warmer it is the darker the color)Take a stroll in the sun, sit by a fireplace or space heater, or use a hair dryer to warm your hands! ✓  Patience - henna takes time to 'bloom' on your skin. The henna stain starts off bright orange and steadily increases to brown/dark brown depending on body temperature.